bloody mary

"...Athaliah, that wicked woman..."

(II Chronicles 24:7)


Queen Mary or 'bloody mary' gives us a powerful insight into the identity of the MOTHER OF HARLOTS from Revelation Chapters 17 & 18.  Firstly, her reign took place at the height of the Protestant Reformation in England.  The Reformation was powered by the Word of God.  And the majority of the translation work during the Reformation was done by Englishmen—i.e. Wyclif, Tyndale, Coverdale, etc.  The catholic church HATED that.  They wanted the light of Christ's Gospel extinguished so men would remain in the dark ages of catholic bondage.  Now the Book of Revelation clearly tells us there's persecution against the true saints "...for the word of God..." (Rev. 1:9, 6:9, 20:4).  And the Mother of Harlots is the whore who's persecuting and martyring them.  She's drunken with their blood.


The first Christian 'bloody mary' put to death was John Rogers, who translated the Thomas Matthew Bible.  Thomas Cranmer was also martyred by this wretch wench. (Note: those were two English Bible translators she martyred [see Rev. 1:9, 6:9, 20:4; 17:6, 18:24].)  'The murders of 300 Christians including Ridley, Latimer and Cranmer had left her nearly insane.'[i]  Not only was queen mary a woman; but she was also a catholic; a murderous catholic woman in authority like queen Athaliah; sitting in an authoritative position like the whore in Revelation 17; and she was drunken with the blood of the true Church.  And catholics despise the Word of God, and cast truth to the ground by obstinately worshipping their idolatrous/worthless/devilish traditions.  That's why mary, as a catholic, caused so many Protestant Christians to be put to death.  "But wisdom is justified of her children." (Matt. 11:19; Luke 7:35)  To her they were heretics. (cf. John 16:1-3)  Why?  Because the Protestants stood for the spiritual truth of Christ: the gospel/grace of Christ.  And for that, they were persecuted by the hands of hypocrites: whose religion is full of whoredoms, errors, falsehoods, and priestly impostures.  Exactly what Apostle Paul predicted in Galatians 4:29.


Our resurrected Lord and Christ warned us about this Jezebel whore and her fornications in Revelation 2:20. (Notice: Jesus Christ wasn't warning about Jezebel herself, [she had been dead for 900 years when Revelation was written,] Christ warns us in these passages about a seductive Jezebel spirit (cf. I Tim. 4:1). And today we see a lot of these power-hungry women, "prophetess" (Rev. 2:20) preachers, who try to crept in and subvert the Church's truth; or like bloody mary and Jezebel: try to even exterminate the Church through murder.)  There's another typology 'bloody mary' fulfilled.  I do not question at all that queen mary had the same spirit of Jezebel that pagan queen had centuries ago in apostate Israel. (see Eph. 6:12)  In that sense, these verses from First Kings (see I Kings 18:4, 13), about a wicked queen persecuting godly followers of the Judeo-Christian God: are prophetical.  Her husband Philip must have been some Spanish catholic Ahab.  Therefore it is written, "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us... That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been; and God requireth that which is past." (Ecclesiastes 1:9-10, 3:15 KJV)


So the roles predicted in the Holy Scriptures, are plainly laid out in Church history.  The catholic church is the whorish woman drunken with the blood of Christ's martyrs.  The martyrs were the Protestant Christians of the English Reformation who took a Biblical stand to the death, and sealed their testimony with their blood. (see Rev. 12:11)  The Bible is that Book of shadows and typologies; certainly we see prophetical emblems here with the Church history in England.  Though the shadows of mary were dark; yet the candlesticks of the martyrs of the Lamb burned bright with their oily witness.  Which witnesses still speaks to us to day!  Hence we read Hugh Latimer's famous quotation as he and Ridley were executed:


'We shall this day light such a candle by God's grace in England, as I trust shall never be put out.'[ii]


All of this was prophesied of 1,450 years earlier in the New Testament Books.  There's also the fulfillment of what we read in Romans 8:36 and Psalm 44:22.  Queen mary led Christ's sheep to the slaughter of hangings, beheadings, burnings, and imprisonments.  She rejected the Gospel, yea banished it governmentally; and made England yield itself over to the Antichrist (the Pope).


'No woman was ever more disappointed than Mary when she could not have children, even with the help of the Catholic Church's prayers.'[iii]


Satan couldn't keep a catholic on the throne.  Mary died without child and without heir.  Instead Christ blessed the true (Bible-based) Church of God with a godly Protestant woman: Elizabeth, who superseded mary's short and murderous catholic reign.  Thus the Lord recompensed her wickedness upon her own head.  Thus shall it be with all those who persecuted and despise the rightful worship of God through His Only Begotten Son.  As was the case also with "Michal", who scorned David's joyful praise of the Lord.  God shut up her womb till the day of her death (see II Sam. 6:23); just like bloody mary.


By the grace of God in Christ Jesus, I just read this shocking, prophetical tidbit.  At queen Mary’s funeral, a Protestant minister preached the sermon: he quoted 2 Kings 9:34![iv]  Now does that confirm the prophetical typology (re: the Jezebel spirit) or what?  Ay, the word of God she tried to extinguish at last cut her and proved to be higher and wiser than her at the end.


After reviewing this dreary history one might have reason to despair for the Church of Christ Jesus.  But lo, these saints were ushered by the angels of God into the Heavenly Presence of Jesus.  And they were crowned with the martyrs' crown. (see Revelation 2:10; James 1:12)  And in England, I'll close with one phrase: Isn't it a grand thing that we serve a God Who can take you from queen mary to King James!  Thank you Lord Jesus!  Amen & Amen.


"For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." (II Corinthians 4:6 KJV)


"But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." (I Corinthians 15:57 KJV)



I just read in 1 Kings 18:4 where the Scripture saith “Jezebel cut off the prophets of the LORD”.  That was exactly what bloody mary did.  The English Protestant Bible-believing martyrs she slew were the Lord Jesus Christ’s prophets (see Rev. 19:10).  Christ told the us the Jezebel spirit was at work (in the inspired Scriptures written by Saint John the Divine) in Revelation Chapter 2 (verse 20)—I know of no other woman in church history who more embodied that wicked queen jezebel spirit than queen mary in her dark reign.  And yes, she was a staunch Roman catholic (see Rev. Ch. 17-18).



[i] 'Final Authority' by Dr. William P. Grady © 1993 Grady Publications, Inc., Page 143.

[ii] 'Foxe's Christian Martyrs of the Word' by John Foxe © 1989 Barbour and Company, Inc., Page 155.

[iii] 'Foxe's Christian Martyrs of the World' by John Foxe, © 1989 Barbour and Company, Inc., Page 199.

[iv] See ‘The Translators Revived’ by Alexander McClure, page 38.